Sunday, January 25, 2015

I Am His Daughter

Today in Young Women's we talked about being daughters of Heavenly Father and how his son, Jesus Christ was sent to die for us. This video really touched me and honestly got me a bit emotional. I decided that I would share with you my testimony and how I came to know of his love for me as his daughter, so here it goes:

In Seminary last year we read 3rd Nephi where Christ comes to America and visits with the people. My teacher, Bro. Santiago turned off all the lights in the room and we sat in darkness as it was read aloud by a man who sounded like Jesus Christ. As we ended by singing "Where Can I Turn for Peace," I felt the Spirit tell me that God and Jesus Christ live! They know me personally-my strengths, weaknesses, questions/doubts I may have- and know exactly what I'm going through and what I will go through. I'm so grateful for this church and who I have become through this gospel. I know that this is what makes me happy and if I continue to turn to Him, I will become better and more like Him.


I am living proof that if you seek out to know about Him and His love for you, you will receive an answer from the Holy Ghost. But you must do your part and search for Him. I promise you that if you really take time to look around you every day and note all of the things that he has given you- big or small- than you will more fully feel of his love for you as his Son or Daughter. I leave these things with you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.


  1. Morgan this is beautifully said! I too love you just the way you are. This made me cry. You continue to shine!!!

  2. Ummmm....can you tell I am in a house full of boys?

  3. So if I keep posting comments, you'll look up your blog today and be like, "I'm AWESOME!"

  4. So what if it is the same person...

  5. And so am I! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! I rock!

  6. Morgan, this is just so beautiful, just as you Are, Inside and Out ") Love this blog Morg. What a neat journal to start/have for your posterity. I sure miss you!
    This post reminded me of a statement from a lesson a while back and I just can't remember who stated it, I think it was part of a lesson or your Mom and I talked about it, in fact I think it is somewhere in my blog. I'll have to go look it up, but I thought of this statement when I read your beautiful thoughts ~ "Are You "Just" a Daughter of God or Are You A "Just" Daughter of God" Isn't that cool ") Thanks for sharing your spiritual thoughts with all of us, and for reminding me of what a "Just Daughter of God Is ") Sure Love and Miss You....
